to appoint smb secretary

to appoint smb secretary
to appoint smb secretary (director, head of delegation) назначать кого-либо секретарём (директором, главой делегации)

Большой англо-русский учебный словарь сочетаемости. . 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "to appoint smb secretary" в других словарях:

  • deputize — v. 1) (esp. AE) (D; tr.) ( to appoint ) to deputize as (he deputized me as his assistant) 2) (BE) (D; intr.) to deputize for ( to replace ) (to deputize for smb. as secretary) 3) (AE) (H) ( to appoint as deputy ) to deputize smb. to do smt. * * * …   Combinatory dictionary

  • deputise — v. 1) (esp. AE) (D; tr.) ( to appoint ) to deputise as (he deputised me as his assistant) 2) (BE) (D; intr.) to deputise for ( to replace ) (to deputise for smb. as secretary) 3) (AE) (H) ( to appoint as deputy ) to deputise smb. to do smt …   Combinatory dictionary

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